Sunday, September 25, 2011


We had to take interesting pictures of light! My theme is reflections....interesting?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rullin' the Roost

My friend Meghan and I left my house to go eat today and a couple of chickens were hanging out in my front yard! Naturally, I had to take pictures of them....then I took a few pictures of Meg

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Ready for the Critique!

Here's a picture of my 3D reconstruction and 2D deconstruction of a scene from the Elephant Man. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Recreation of The Elephant Man

It started off as an art project to define what we thought art was, and it turned into a social experiment. Inspired by David Lynch's "The Elephant Man", I wanted to see how people in 2011 would react to someone dressed like the Elephant Man himself. Would their reactions be different from those of 100 years ago? 
I am still speechless by the reactions that we got. Multiple people called the police about a "disturbing man" walking down the street, a group of kids on bikes threatened to hurt him and take his cane away, the homeless laughed at him, cars stopped in the streets to take pictures of him, someone told him it was illegal to wear a hood in public, the elderly stared and laughed at him, a bus driver yelled at him telling him he could not get on the bus with that hood acting all crazy when he did not even try to get on the bus, everyone else laughed, yelled and starred, except for the children, they treated him like a regular person in society.
What would you do?

Please listen to the interview with the anonymous actor while you view the pictures.