Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Einstein's Dreams

About three weeks ago I finalized the script for my project based off of a journal from Einstien's Dreams- a book of fictionalized dream journals that explores what Einstein might have been dreaming about while developing the theory of relativity.
I had a lot of fun experimenting with time-lapsing in the beginning. The last week I've been experimenting with my good friend After Effects.
I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Interactive Dream Art

This is a mixed media interactive dream project. We recorded our dreams in a dream journal for a few weeks and then we had to make something inspired by them. I wanted to make the experience novel for every viewer.
The piece is three sequences and they all must be viewed through an object.
The first sequence, the viewer is forced to lay on their stomach and put their face up to a snorkel mask. The experience is pretty cool when all lights are turned off and you are interacting with these objects and sequences.

The next sequence, the viewer must look through a pair of binoculars that is about 13 feet away from the display.

The last sequence, the viewer must kneel down and look through a key hole to see the movie.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time lapsing all dayy erryydayy

I've been experimenting with time with my new project based off of a journal entry from a book called "Einstein's Dreams". Here is the intro to the film that I'm making. I should be done with the movie by next week.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


North Carolina was really nice. I had a great time spending time with my parents before their journey to California. Here are some pictures!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A moment at the movies- by Ryan Lebar

After many weeks of critiques and tweaks, my first short film for Cinematic Storytelling is finished. Although it was a frustrating process and some of my voice was lost in the film, I am happy how it turned out! I used one key light with a blue gel and one back light and shot with my friend's 85mm Rokinon f1.4.
 The requirements of the film were: no dialogue, all close ups and it must be one or two pages long.